G.I.U.D.A. is an Italian magazine born in 2009: the main focus is the relation between Geography and Comics

G.I.U.D.A. is an Italian magazine born in 2009: the main focus is the relation between Geography and Comics. Geography draws the world and often tells stories, the same aim of comics. The graphic design reminds the groups of the beginning of last century, in particular Vienna's Secessionist. But the making of the issues is based on strategies coming from OULIPO experiences. Using automatism, estethism, casualty, and frames sometimes something more new borns: the older authors were related to Inguine experience, which presented Blu, Joe Sacco and many others in Italy, so they wanted to do something completely different.

From this idea came also the name GIUDA, Geographical institute of Unconventional Drawing Art, that is also the name of the new publishing company run by this collective that has already published Italian and International Graphic Novels

The first 4 issues were dedicated to Montparnasse cemetery (1st), Prerapphaelites movement in London (2nd), Happy Days and Milwaukee (3rd) and Durand Line in Afghanistan and Alighiero Boetti (4th).

The drawers are always the same, with some new entries, but it's a close collective.
